Tandem Plus Network offers on this page downloadable practical project tools, brochures and newsletters.

Looking back and looking forward!

Click here to download the 203 Activity Report


Our YouStandOut Eramsus+ project that has given birth to a training kit for youth educators and youth workers. 

This toolkit collects a number of useful materials to implement and facilitate the participatory methodology of ideational workshops with young people.  

We hope it will be useful for your own workshops-they have a number of very practical and operational sheets. 

Choose your language and start organizing activities with your youth!

English version

French version

Italian version

Greek version

German version

Polish version


What are the opportunities for women in the world of social entrepreneurship?
What, on the other hand, are the obstacles?
Find out this and much more in the Consolidated Report we prepared after a deep analysis of the role of women in social entrepreneurship in Italy, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Latvia and Armenia.
Read more here!

United for Global Goals -
Final Compendium

At the end of our Erasmus+ United for Global Goals project, we make our final compendium with the projects shared within the network available to all.

The submitted projects support one or more sustainable development goals and have been implemented in one or more of the UGG partnership countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Greece, Belgium)

Choose below the language version that interests you most and discover all the projects collected!


You can finally find here the practical activities & workshop compendium of our Erasmus+ project United for Global Goals!

We also have a French version!


Our project You Stand Out aims to work on the gap between young people living in cities and young people living in rural areas.

Specifically targeting rural areas and an audience that includes NEETs (not in Education, Employment or Training) and people at risk of social exclusion, we work on formal and non-formal education, lack of job prospects, climate-driven pressures on land and geographical isolation.

One of the first steps was a survey in the 7 countries of the consortium (Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Cyprus and Poland) with the aim of determining the skills of young people in digital marketing in order to have a basis on which to work for future project products.

The research provides data on the current youth employment status in each of the consortium partner’s
countries, offering best practice examples from each, and identifying ways in which this
project will address the gaps in the relevant digital skills that will enhance young people’s interest in their
heritage, communities and citizenship in addition to employment opportunities.

Do you want to know more about the digital skills in rural areas? Check the complete Executive summary here


Are you a VET educator interested in gaining access to specific cybersecurity curriculum and materials? As part of CYBER.EU.VET, a suite of curriculum is available for practitioners to freely use. The curriculum is centered around digital security topics (gathered from our research analysis) and provide hands on activities which you can do with your group.

Download it here! ->Training for trainers<-


How to prevent and fight cyberbullying?

ACCESS4All Project

Access4all Event approaching!

📣Let’s empower people to access their rights for a more inclusive society! (October 2022)
🫂 Educate and sensitize people in order to achieve a more equal society, where everyone is aware of their rights and can access them easily.
📌 On October 07.10.2022 we are going to hold an event at the “Institut de Formation et Recherche en Travail Social, Médico-Social et Sanitaire” Apprentices of specialized educator section will have the opportunity to navigate into the ACCESS4all platform and learn how to use its ressources.


United for Global Goals -
Final Compendium

At the end of our Erasmus+ United for Global Goals project, we make our final compendium with the projects shared within the network available to all.

The submitted projects support one or more sustainable development goals and have been implemented in one or more of the UGG partnership countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Greece, Belgium)

Choose below the language version that interests you most and discover all the projects collected!


You can finally find here the practical activities & workshop compendium of our Erasmus+ project United for Global Goals!

We also have a French version!


Our project You Stand Out aims to work on the gap between young people living in cities and young people living in rural areas.

Specifically targeting rural areas and an audience that includes NEETs (not in Education, Employment or Training) and people at risk of social exclusion, we work on formal and non-formal education, lack of job prospects, climate-driven pressures on land and geographical isolation.

One of the first steps was a survey in the 7 countries of the consortium (Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Cyprus and Poland) with the aim of determining the skills of young people in digital marketing in order to have a basis on which to work for future project products.

The research provides data on the current youth employment status in each of the consortium partner’s
countries, offering best practice examples from each, and identifying ways in which this
project will address the gaps in the relevant digital skills that will enhance young people’s interest in their
heritage, communities and citizenship in addition to employment opportunities.

Do you want to know more about the digital skills in rural areas? Check the complete Executive summary here


Are you a VET educator interested in gaining access to specific cybersecurity curriculum and materials? As part of CYBER.EU.VET, a suite of curriculum is available for practitioners to freely use. The curriculum is centered around digital security topics (gathered from our research analysis) and provide hands on activities which you can do with your group.

Download it here! ->Training for trainers<-


How to prevent and fight cyberbullying?

ACCESS4All Project

Access4all Event approaching!

📣Let’s empower people to access their rights for a more inclusive society! (October 2022)
🫂 Educate and sensitize people in order to achieve a more equal society, where everyone is aware of their rights and can access them easily.
📌 On October 07.10.2022 we are going to hold an event at the “Institut de Formation et Recherche en Travail Social, Médico-Social et Sanitaire” Apprentices of specialized educator section will have the opportunity to navigate into the ACCESS4all platform and learn how to use its ressources.


ACCESS4All Project

The impact of our project is a reality!

ACCESS4All Project

Access4all Event approaching!

📣Let’s empower people to access their rights for a more inclusive society! (October 2022)
🫂 Educate and sensitize people in order to achieve a more equal society, where everyone is aware of their rights and can access them easily.
📌 On October 07.10.2022 we are going to hold an event at the “Institut de Formation et Recherche en Travail Social, Médico-Social et Sanitaire” Apprentices of specialized educator section will have the opportunity to navigate into the ACCESS4all platform and learn how to use its ressources.


A look back and a look forward!
Click HERE to download the Activity Report 2021

The REC Policy Recommendations

The REC policy recommendations 

This document contains a list of 10 policy recommendations, elaborated by the Programma integra and validated by the whole partnership at transnational level through specific focus groups involving stakeholders from Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Belgium and France, and declined for 3 different target groups:
❖ policy makers
❖ practitioners of the sector (trainers, guidance experts, intercultural mediators, counsellors, etc.)
❖ the general public
The policy recommendations aim to enable the relevant national or regional authorities to align their systems with an EU-validated model (the REC model) focused on a specific target and based on European standards (ESCO – EQAVET). The choice to include also the general public as a target group for policy recommendations aims at broadening the knowledge of citizens on the important role played by the European system of recognition of competences and skills (especially transversal/non-formal) for a better integration in the labour market, in particular for disadvantaged categories (such as long-term unemployed or migrants/refugees).

Click here to consult the PRs in 7 languages!




The Joint Research Methodology

🔎 The REC project intends to innovate by acting on the profiles of practitioners dealing with migrants and refugees by increasing their efficacy in equipping them with the necessary tools for having their transversal and non-formal skills recognized, validated and certified, following the existing EU standards.
▪ The Consolidated Transnational Report based on REC Partners’ Surveys and National Reports provides a comparative overview of the national and EU state of play of Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning
🔹 Primary overview based on quantitative data presents a desk and field analysis based on statistics about current situation on the employability of migrants and refugees and the labor market’s trends, processes of validation of non-formal and informal learning (VINFL) and adult education, with a specific focus on the qualifications in the sectors where migrants and refugees are more employed.
🔹Secondary overview based on empirical data presents practitioners’ perception of the necessity, self-assessed proficiency and frequency of applying various general and specific tools for skills’ valorization and validation, with a specific attention on the gaps preventing them from delivering a sound recognition of non-formal skills of migrants.
🔹 The report also presents the collection of research and tools in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish regarding validation experiences of non-formal and informal learning, as well as digital platforms fostering a long-standing dialogue with different private and public sector’ stakeholders.

Download the #REC Transnational Report here!


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The logo

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La Bannière web

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